Madeleine West: 'The ultimate isolation activity for kids doesn't cost a cent'

a close up of Madeleine West © Instagram

I want to send a big shout out to all the parents out there constructively and meaningfully utilising this time of enforced isolation to give their house a thorough spring clean, whack in the middle of autumn.

Realistically, it's just an excuse to lock ourselves in our garages and spare rooms, getting a little loose on hand sanitiser fumes to a bit of old school dystopian Nirvana. Truth be told, we are simply hiding from our kids, who are on the brink of going War of the Worlds now the novelty of homeschooling has worn off and a bleak Easter holiday looms.

But before you chuck another bag of memory lane in the dumpster (then reflexively pull it out and separate the contents into recyclables, organic waste, green waste and landfill), hold your horses!

First, why not try out a little experiment I'm trialling? Thus far it has bought me eight hours of peace the quiet across three days, and involves neither screen time, threats, bribes or therapy — and is COMPLETELY FREE. I call it "One kid's castaway crap is another's Sack of Distraction".

I invented the 'Sack of Distractions' back in the day when air travel was something families actually did, particularly at this time of year. A Sack of Distractions is a bag, preferably a large sealable plastic bag or container (so they can see the contents and therefore are not tempted to rummage around, spilling most of it on the floor, in their seat and on the poor guy in 18R who had no idea he would be spending a prolonged period trapped next to a semi-trained monkey at the start of his holiday) filled with goodies you know they will love, and more importantly, will keep them distracted for the duration of the trip.

As I've shared before, here are some simple rules for the Sack of Distractions:

1. It doesn't have to cost a cent (but no one item should cost more than $2)

Think crafty: Play -Doh, packs of pencils, note pads, etc. geared towards making mementoes of their trip for friends and family back home. (Even though I know you don't want to be caught dragging it around for the duration of your holiday once it has served its purpose in getting you there, think of the environmental brownie points you will be earning!)

Hence, if you need to buy items, visit discount stores, large-chain department stores, craft warehouses and newsagents when putting your haul together.

2. Include only one treat of a food nature

For example, a lollipop, a bag of crackers, a chocolate bar.

Don't underestimate a Sack of Distractions. © iStock Don't underestimate a Sack of Distractions.

3. Only hand out the Sack once the plane has stabilised and the seatbelt light is turned off.

4. Control the Sack.

Only allow your child to pull out and play with one item at a time, and each item must be played with for at least 10 minutes before moving on to the next.

Otherwise, your child will invariably empty the entire contents onto their tray table, muck about with the lot, and be whining they are bored again within the hour.

5. The Sack must be put away at mealtimes, only to be returned once they have finished eating.

Well, it struck me this week — as I cooed over my family's collected crap from many, many years and struggled to throw away even a third of it — that memories have currency, and pre-loved trinkets have the power to distract even mightier than the newest item on the shelf.

a group of people around each other: As the world quickly closes its doors, watch how people around the world are staying together despite social distancing. As the world quickly closes its doors, watch how people around the world are staying together despite social distancing.

Experience will have exponential value in the post-pandemic epoch (well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it) so, why not try assembling a 'sack of memories' for your family? The same basic rules above still apply but now instead of dashing to a discount warehouse, just rummage through the toy box or the wardrobe!

My haul comprised such hits and blub-worthy memories as a teensy singular baby sock emblazoned with an image of the Eiffel Tower; a dolphin charm carved from Pacific mother of pearl; assorted toys and fragments of toys too precious to throw away; and a showbag novelty trinket from the last show they attended alongside a beloved family member who this year passed away.

Oh, the emotive power an inanimate object can carry! Don't get me started on the painted macaroni necklaces and the wrapped "Mother Day" stall soaps... someone hand me a box of Kleenex (not hoarding, just crying!).

But enough distraction, back to the Sack of Distraction. Once you have assembled around 10 items into a bag or container for each of your children, hand them over, let them select one and ask them to tell the assembled family members: What memory does this item evoke? What sights? Sounds? Smells?

Madeleine West smiling for the camera © Instagram

Ask them to tell a story associated with that item, and ask other family members to chime in with their own memories of the item, and what sights, sounds, smells are stimulated by it too. Let the recollections take you all wherever they will. Ask your children, does life feel different now to how it did then? Are things better or worse? If so, in what way?

Suddenly you will find your family engaging creatively in conversations of significantly more gravity than the humble memorabilia that inspired it — and so , too, what began as a distraction swiftly becomes a forum for discussion, collective learning, knowledge and empathy.

At times like these, we suddenly find ourselves with an abundance of that most rare of commodities; time, use it wisely, to remember, reflect, look forward, and love. And never underestimate the power of a homemade Sack of Distraction.

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